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TURMERIC JUICE From The Land Of 1001 Herbs

Stronger Immune system

To Build A Strong Immune System 5 inches turmeric root (2 Tablespoons of ground turmeric) 5 Tamarinds (an acidic tree pod) sometimes it is hard to get fresh tamarinds. You can use powdered turmeric 2 organic lemons Raw honey Black pepper Peel tamarind Crack and open tamarind to access the inner fruit. Boil turmeric in a big pot of water till the water turns bright orange (20 – 30 minutes) Put tamarind in a pot with about an inch of water and stir till it “melts” into a jam. Take the cooled turmeric water and pour it into the blender with the turmeric. Pour tamarind into a strainer over a bowl. Press it so that the soft fruit strains through. Add to turmeric mixture with lemon juice and blend again. Add honey to taste. & 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper. Store in a glass jar in fridge up to 3-4 days and drink daily.

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